• Milica M. Lukić Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Filozofski fakultet
Keywords: cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor, Serbian language, English language, conceptualization of love


This paper examines the conceptual metaphor of love in the lyrics found in the songs of four pop singers (one female and one male singer each in Serbian and English). As noted by Lakoff & Johnson (1980/2003), conceptual metaphors reflect the way in which we see the world and express our opinions and emotions. The aim of this paper is to investigate if the conceptual metaphor of love differs in songs in Serbian and English and if there are differences based on the singers’ gender. We discovered that the most frequent source domains are pain/illness, game/gamble, insanity/mental disorder, and journey. The results also show that, although they are not too pronounced, there are certain differences in the conceptualization of love based on the two languages mentioned and the two genders.

Author Biography

Milica M. Lukić, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Filozofski fakultet

Studentkinja doktorskih studija


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29. 12. 2021.